Minutes - Business Committee

Meeting Venue:

Remote - Digital

Meeting date: 5 July 2022

Meeting time: 09.00 - 09.51







Committee Members:

Elin Jones MS, Llywydd (Chair)

Lesley Griffiths MS

Siân Gwenllian MS

Darren Millar MS

Committee Staff:

Graeme Francis (Clerk)

Yan Thomas (Deputy Clerk)

Others in attendance

Jane Dodds MS

David Rees MS, Deputy Presiding Officer

Manon Antoniazzi, Chief Executive and Clerk

Siwan Davies, Director of Senedd Business

Julian Luke, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service

Siân Wilkins, Head of Chamber and Committee Service

Helen Carey, Welsh Government



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

The Llywydd welcomed Members to the meeting.



2       Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for publication.



3       Organisation of Business



3.1   This week's business


The Trefnydd drew Business Committee’s attention to the following change:








3.2   Three week timetable of Government Business

No changes were made to the 3 Week Timetable of Government Business. 



3.3   Three week timetable of Senedd Business

Business Committee agreed to schedule the following items of business:

Wednesday 21 September 2022 –




4       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2023-24



4.1   Letter from the Minister Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd regarding the timetable for publishing the draft and final budget 2023-24

4.2   Annex A: Letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government to the Chair of the Finance Committee



4.3   Response from the Chair of the Finance Committee to the Minister for Finance and Local Government

Business Committee considered correspondence concerning the timetable for publishing the draft and final budgets for 2023-24. The Committee agreed to write to the Finance Committee to consult it on the proposed timetable and return to the matter at its first meeting in September. 






5       Review of Standing Order 34 and remote participation



5.1   Consideration of draft report on amending Standing Orders: Standing Order 34 and remote participation in Senedd proceedings

Business Committee considered and agreed the report of the review of Standing Order 34 and remote participation in Senedd proceedings, subject to an amendment in relation to attendance at committee meetings which would be agreed outside of the meeting. The Committee would consider initial draft guidance on participation in virtual and hybrid proceedings at its next meeting.



6       Standing Orders



6.1   Consideration of draft report on amending Standing Orders: Temporary Standing Orders 12.41 A-H on Proxy Voting

Business Committee considered and agreed the report.



7       Procedural work programme



7.1   Business Committee procedural work programme for the Sixth Senedd

7.2   Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform: Consideration of report recommendations

Business Committee noted the procedural work programme for the autumn term and beyond, including consideration of several recommendations made by the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform and a review of proxy voting arrangements. Business Committee noted that the window for the Committee to influence the policy instructions of a Bill on Senedd Reform is likely to be between September – December 2022 and agreed to consider a detailed paper setting out issues relating to the Committee recommendations at a subsequent meeting.

Business Committee agreed in principle to meet in public when considering procedural matters, with public consultation on relevant matters relating to Senedd Reform, where appropriate. 





8       Paper to note



8.1   Letter from the Chair of the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee

Business Committee noted the letter from the Chair of the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee regarding the LCMs on the UK Infrastructure Bank Bill and the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill.





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